Wednesday, November 15, 2023

More Horrific Parenting

There was a lot of pushback to the tweet yesterday, the one where the woman bragged about hitting her three year old for being insufficiently cheery. Most of the tweets said things like, This isn't Christianity! and Christians don't parent this way! But quite a few claimed this sort of parenting was better than the way liberals parent, which is to raise kids without a "moral code." 

That shit is hilarious to me, since half my kid's childhood was spent debating morality. Why do we do this? Why is that better? What if I want to do this? Also, Why do all my friends' parents hit them?

The people making those tweets didn't mean that kind of morality, of course. What they meant was authoritarian morality. There's rules, and those rules are made by God, and so we don't examine or question or discuss, we just obey. (Not God, of course. Children obey parents, who pretend or actually believe they know what God wants; and the woman obeys the husband, ditto.) This kind of morality leads to an unexamined life, which -- as we know -- is not worth living. And often fairly evil, besides.

Anyway, here's another tweet from Marissa Burt about this horrific kind of parenting: 

The clip mainly focuses on Douglas Wilson, the slavery apologist (slavery must be good because in the Bible it's good), but as Marissa Burt says elsewhere, there are dozens of Christian parenting "experts" who teach people to parent this way, and tens of thousands of Christian parents who listen to them and parent in this horrific fashion.

If you can make it through that video -- I could only handle about half of it -- you'll find a dad laughing with delight as he recounts how when his daughter (disobeying his command to eat her hamburger) vomited up food, he rinsed off the remaining burger and made her eat that. 

Christian parenting.

1 comment:

nicoleandmaggie said...

I remember the first time I heard about "blanket training". It's all so awful. Those poor poor innocent kids. I wish I could take care of them all. I wish all children had access to the wonderful caring daycares my kids had, so even if they have terrible parents they could have 8 hours a day of safety and calm and affection.