Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Halloween in the Bible Belt

As usual, we had no trick-r-treaters last night. That's partly because this is an elderly neighborhood with no sidewalks, and mostly because in the Fort, Halloween is the Devil's birthday. Or something. I can't remember the current explanation.

Just file it under Fundamentalist Christians love to ruin everything.

Some of my students did dress up, and I gave everyone in my classes candy, so there was that. 

ETA: This was on FB this morning -- the local churches do this thing called a "harvest festival" at which they have "trunk or treat," with kids running around from car to car in their parking lots getting candy and little Jesus statues and so on. 

Which is perfectly fine, because that's not worshipping Satan, unlike what those evil liberals do.


nicoleandmaggie said...

The afterschool program here does trunk or treat but without Jesus statues.

I went and voted for about a half hour during prime trick-or-treat hours and when I came back the bowl I'd left out only had a few things left. Then I only got two small trick-or-treaters after that. We're not sure if someone took a lot or if we just got a lot of little kids while we were gone. (All of the TJ's squeeze mango applesauces that DC2 didn't like were taken.)

delagar said...

Our churches also give out those fake $20 bills with Jesus slogans on them. So kids can worship capitalism and Jesus, I guess?

I left my excess candy in the breakroom, and when I went back for my night class it was gone. I might take the leftover candy we have here (from not getting any kids last night) in tomorrow.

Foscavista said...

In one hour, we had 337 trick-or-treaters, which cleaned us out.

delagar said...

Oh, nice! That's how it was where I grew up, too.