Thursday, February 06, 2025

Something You Can Do Part II

This was on Nicole and Maggie's list of things you can do, and I just want to highlight it:

It helps you find your representatives at various levels (state, federal, city, county) and gives you their contact information. If you're not up to calling people, you can email them. I've made it my goal to email at least one person each day.

Be specific about what you want them to act on -- stop Leon Skum, or reject the anti-trans laws, climate change, Gaza, whatever it is you're worried about. I have a list, and I'm just going down it, one a day at least.

Speak up, speak out, resist. One voice is nothing, but there are a lot of us. Don't stay silent.


nicoleandmaggie said...

Thank you!

delagar said...

Thank you for your help in figuring out what we can do. I'm feeling much less hopeless now.

Anonymous said...

My reps are Nancy Mace, Lindsey Graham, and Tim Scott. So, yeah.

delagar said...

Mine are also all Red State turnips, but from what I'm hearing, if enough people speak, they'll act.

delagar said...

Nancy Mace is a real prize, isn't she? I've got Tom "slavery was necessary" Cotton.