Monday, January 13, 2025

Argh American Healthcare

I chipped a tooth, so I needed a dental appointment. Getting one turned out to be surprisingly easy -- I got in a noon today.

Riding that high, I decided to set up an appointment for Dr. Skull with a PCP. 

That turned out to be a nightmare. It took me three hours and calls to several local doctors before I found one who would just make me a damn appointment (which is a month away). Everyone else wanted me to fill out reams of paperwork, so that they could decide whether to accept him as a patient, and warned me that even if they did accept him, the first appointment would be at least a couple months out.

Oddly, I've been told only places with universal health care/single-payer systems have this sort of problem. How strange!


Jenny F Scientist said...

Yeah it's amazing how prompt and efficient our healthcare is here. And so cheap!

Part of my job is explaining US claims to coworkers in the EU and they are, to a person, horrified.

delagar said...

Best healthcare system in the world!