Friday, September 27, 2024

Mitt Romney Won't Endorse Kamala Harris

Which I guess is no surprise. He says he wants to remain politically viable in Utah, which apparently he could not do if he admitted out loud that Harris is a better candidate than Trump. Is this just because she's a Democrat? Or is it because she's brown and a woman? 

Being brown and a democrat would be enough to kill you here in Arkansas, as we saw in the last election when our voters put Sarah Huckster Sanders in the office rather than vote for a black physicist with a D beside his name.

And it's not that they thought Sanders was more competent. They knew she was a joke, a bootlicker, and a thief. But at least she wasn't a black man who supported progressive causes.

I think the woman part also matters in Utah, which like Idaho adheres to rigid gender roles; but the brown and democrat parts probably matter just as much.

Harris is ahead in the polls right now, but as we know from 2016, that's not a guarantee of anything. These next six weeks are going to be painful.

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