Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Problem with Walking in My Neighborhood that everyone insists on chatting with me.



Debbie M said...

Is the problem that this means you stop walking and don't get your exercise in? If so, maybe you can ask them to walk and talk? Or say you have X minutes to get your exercise in, have a nice day!'

But if the problem is that you want alone time, I have no clue. Well, maybe the X-minutes-to-exercise excuse will have the desired effect. Or maybe just telling them, "Nice to see you but I'm out here for some alone time right now."

Or maybe you can find another, less crowded place to walk, or a place where fewer people know you well enough to want to talk to you. Or--joke--try to look angry or crazy and scary.

It's hard to look busy like reading on a plane because reading while walking isn't safe. Maybe have earbuds in, even if nothing is playing on them and just smile and point to them?


delagar said...

I'm just anti-social. Never talking to anyone ever is sort of my dream life.

Exercising at the gym is better because no one every wants to talk to me there. Sometimes I just want to walk around outside though.