Monday, June 24, 2024


When I was my kid's age, I couldn't afford health insurance. So I did without.

So long as my only healthcare needs were a cut thumb and bike wreck, that was fine. But when I got cancer, well.

My kid is able to have health insurance thanks to Obamacare. That health care covers pretty much all of his healthcare needs, and the co-pay is less than five dollars. He needed an ultrasound recently, and his Obamacare covered all but four dollars and nineteen cents. It covers 100% of his therapy. He's able to start graduate school because he doesn't have to worry about healthcare.

This is what Trump and the GOP want to take away from us, even though the cost is almost nothing.

See also marriage equality, student loan forgiveness, and the ability to access contraceptives, as well as all the work that has been done on climate change.

You need to ask yourself why the GOP wants to destroy all those things.

Also, I'm seeing a lot of people argue that voting for Biden is just like voting for Trump. All I can say to those people is sweet Jesus, have you been paying attention? I don't love Biden either. I'm still going to vote for him because yes, the lesser of two evils is still less evil.

Yes, I understand that people don't like the situation in the Middle East. Yes, Biden has failed to create a Utopia here in the US. Yes, rent is too high and wages are too low. But if you think Trump will be better, maybe wake the fuck up.

Also, just a reminder, a vote for a third party is a vote for Trump at this point.


nicoleandmaggie said...


Anonymous said...

Yes to all of this! Yes!
I’m 50 and didn’t have health insurance for most of my twenties
And after recently thinking my student loan payment might become manageable, well f*ckk looks like that’ll change again too

Truthfully I’ve lost hope….but I will still be voting and Biden it is

Anon in mass

delagar said...

Hope is kind of thin on the ground here too. But yes, I'll be voting.