1 hour ago
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Well, That Was a Week
I knew the Trump Regime would be awful, but who could have guessed it would be this astoundingly awful? Not even me, and I had fascist dystopia for 300, Alex.
Just a reminder: donate to the ACLU. Donate to CAIR. Donate to the local food banks. Write and phone your reps. Volunteer when and where you can.
Resist. Tear this vile fascist down.
And don't be afraid to take a break. It's all right to take care of yourself, to breathe, to exercise, to make your art. This will be a long fight. Be kind to yourself as well as others.
And now a word from the Doctor:
Friday, January 27, 2017
How Can I Still Be Sick?
I think the stress of living in Trump's America is wrecking my immune system.
I've been sick with what Web MD insists is nothing but a cold since just after Christmas. That's over a month now. I'm sleeping ten and fourteen hours a day, broken, unrestful sleep, since I spend a lot of it coughing violently. I coughed so splendidly and thoroughly at work the other day that a colleague came down the hall to offer me emergency cough drops.
I suppose I should consult my doctor. I hate doctors.
Meanwhile, teaching is going excellently. I'm teaching that Popular Literature class on Zombies, Vampires, and the Apocalypse. (The perfect time in America to be teaching such a class, as we drive off the cliff into the apocalypse.) We started with Train to Busan, a Korean movie. If you haven't seen this one, and you don't mind terrifying zombie movies, it's very much worth watching. You can rent it on Amazon streaming video.
Now we're reading World War Z, a different sort of Zombie tale. On to Naomi Kritzer's "Zombies in Winter" after that. The class itself is lively and engaged. It's just delightful to have students who not only have read the work, but have avidly read the work and can't wait to talk about it.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Even Better Than the Last
I might get tired of Watch the Nazi Get Punch Memes one day
By popular demand, here's an extended cut of the #Hamilton nazi punch remix pic.twitter.com/nj70DXQH2P— Nate Coraor (@natefoo) January 23, 2017
But that day has not yet come.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
On the OTHER hand...
...as someone said on Twitter, the fact that this was the first big meme of 2017 gives me a lot of hope!
this is as patriotic as I've felt in a long time pic.twitter.com/yiVxd8semM— PESTERING PUPPETS (@prttybadtweeter) January 21, 2017
Maybe you're one of the people who deplores violence, and thinks it is terrible to punch anyone, even a Nazi. I can certainly understand your position.
My position is we should not only punch Nazis, we should punch them two or three times, and then kick them when they're down.
Bad News, Y'all
This morning I woke up in a country where Donald Trump was president.
Now it begins.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Breaking News: Rod Dreher More Batsh*t Crazy Than Ever
Even his own Commentariat turn on him with this one.
"Obama Springs Transgender Traitor," he shrieks, and spends most of the post in an uncontrollable tantrum over the fact that Chelsea Manning is transgender.
This penis-having traitor suffers because people might not think she is a “real woman”. Think about that. Manning suffers serious psychological problems, and has tried to commit suicide. He should receive medical treatment — but not boobs grown at taxpayer expense on his traitorous breast, and not liberty for breaking his oath under arms.
Monday, January 16, 2017
At least that's what the commentariat at Rod Dreher's place (and elsewhere) keep shrieking at us.
Take THAT, fuckers who associate strict gender binaries as "natural" pic.twitter.com/3RoQ81U0v9— Danielle Riendeau (@Danielleri) January 15, 2017
By "Natural law," of course, what they mean is "How I believe the world ought to be."
I used to sort of enjoy reading Rod Dreher's blog, and other Conservative and Moderate blogs, because they gave me a look at what people not like me thought, and what they believed. Since Trump's election, though, wow. It's just a gibbering hate-fest over there.
Anyone not precisely like them -- which is to say heterosexual, Conservative, their very own brand of Christian, cisgendered, educated to their precise level of education, and (very often) from their own region of the country has become not just the enemy, but not even human.
Two-minute hate? I wish. Non-stop hate.
ETA: See also this, over at alicublog.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
One of the fans of my kid's comic made this shitpost for it
i love Fragile so here's a shitpost. https://t.co/nQ8ARTU1Y5— fire type tobes (@TobyHopps) January 15, 2017
It's perfect, and hilarious.
(It's only funny if you've been reading the comic -- sorry!)
Saturday, January 14, 2017
My Score
I only score 15 on this -- or sixteen, depending on how whether we count "immodest and rebellious women" as one point or two.
Gotta up my game.
(Stolen from Alas a Blog.)
Friday, January 13, 2017
Things I Like About My New Office
...v. Things I don't
It's my first real day in my new office, and the first day of the semester, sort of. (We don't start teaching until Tuesday, January 17, but today we have meetings all day. How I love meetings.)
Anyway, I arrived today at 7.30 a.m. to find that the key to my office door didn't work. That's one thing I don't like.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
- I have to go back to work on Friday -- sort of. It's the pre-school conference day. I don't actually start teaching until Tuesday.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
The Real Bubble...
...is the bubble of militant ignorance.
I've lived in Red States very nearly all my life. I was born just outside Seattle, in a trailer park, but we left there when I was three to move to New Orleans, to another trailer park.
Graduate school in Arkansas. First job in Idaho. Second job in North Carolina. Third job -- this job -- back in Arkansas.
Sunday, January 08, 2017
What I'm Reading (and watching) Now
I'm still tragically, dramatically sick, which means I can't do much besides lie on the sofa and whimper. Also blow my nose, emit hacking coughs, and read novels.
(I lie. I'm also writing. Each day I trawl up sufficient energy to write for at least two hours. Then I collapse.)
Anyway, I'm reading a lot. Also binge-watching a lot of Netflix.
Here's what I've been watching:
Friday, January 06, 2017
We got about an inch and a half of snow here last night, which means that the entire NW Arkansas region has shut down entirely. Central Arkansas is getting more snow as we speak.
Snow day for my kid. I woke her at dawn with the news. There was much rejoicing.
SNOW DAY SNOW DAY SNOW DAY I'm going back to sleep— alligator magnet man (@jasperlizard) January 6, 2017
Indeed, she promptly returned to bed, and is celebrating by sleeping until noon.
I'm drinking coffee and writing and watching my snowy yard be snowy.
I love snow days.
Tuesday, January 03, 2017
My New Year So Far
I'm starting of 2017 sick as a dog. Somewhere at the end of 2016, I picked up a vicious cold -- probably in that horrible Motel 6 in Jackson, MS. Apparently it plans to never let me go.
I'm drinking plenty of tea and honey, and huddling under blankets. I may switch to tea and brandy here in a bit.
This does not bode well for the new year.
(See also this: Why 2017 will be a bad year)
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