Dennis Prager is getting a divorce. Apparently he announced it on his radio show. His beloved fans insist this doesn't make his advice on marriage any less valuable.
Cause, you know, that's who you want advising you about marriage -- someone who can't do it -- and that's who you want advising you about raising you kids -- someone like Dobson, who ain't got it right once -- and that's who you want teaching you to build bridges, an engineer whose bridges keep collapsing, and that's who you want running the country, someone who...uh....
Well, you know these conservatives. I guess they actually do prefer someone who doesn't know how to do the job.
2 hours ago
Oh well, we all know what those conservatives do when something bad happens to really really good people, they blame the woman or the sinner, which in their eyes is both, one and the same. She ate the seed, she cut his hair, she had too many husbands, she, she, she. Oh and I'm sure when all is said and done, it will be revealed that he was boinking his secretary or wife's best friend. What a snake. OOOOO was that biblical slip?
I meant the fruit, she ate the fruit but the seed applies here to because what is fruit but the seed.
"The best sermon is a good example."
Ben Franklin
Prager is a puffed-up, pompous fool.
I'm a conservative and I know nobody's perfect, including conservatives. The trick is holding to values. I value the institution of marriage more than any one person. I'm also a Christian avoid listening to Christian musicians who have divorced.
Dennis Prager has dealt with his divorce graciously. If he cheated on his wife, I will not be able to listen to his often excellent advice.
The bottom line is conservatives kick their fallen leaders to the curb (Gingrich, etc), libs continue to praise them (Jesse Jackson, Clinton, etc).
I'm a conservative and I know nobody's perfect, including conservatives. The trick is holding to values. I value the institution of marriage more than any one person. I'm also a Christian and i avoid listening to Christian musicians who have divorced.
Dennis Prager has dealt with his divorce graciously. If he cheated on his wife, I will not be able to listen to his often excellent advice.
The bottom line is conservatives kick their fallen leaders to the curb (Gingrich, etc), libs continue to praise them (Jesse Jackson, Clinton, etc).
Prager is all wielding his pud.
I think he should have made the reasons for his two failed marriages available to the public. Not doing so encourages suspicion that he cheated.
Perhaps he cheated...
It's hard for me to believe all this hatred towards someone like Prager who although not perfect is a wonderful man who does a lot of good for this world we live in. He's also a man who has a lot of clarity and a gift with expressing ideas so clearly. Maybe that is why you hate him so, b/c he's good or b/c he's gifted and you don't agree with him. I don't think you need to agree with him, but why all the hatred? He does not have that She problem as Zelda1 suggested... listen to him and keep an open mind. Thanks for reading...
I love much of what Prager says but no human is perfect and it saddens me that he's having so much trouble in this area.
Mark 10:11-12… to continue to Practice their “Christian ADULTERY”…? What happened to… “Proverbs 28:13” & “Romans 6:1-2”...?
“Remain ‘Unmarried’ or ‘Be Reconciled’ – 101” …Blog
… *** (1Corinthains 7:10-11) And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let NOT the wife Depart from her husband:
(1Cor 7:11) But and if she depart; let her remain UNMARRIED; or be RECONCILED to her husband: and let “NOT” the husband ‘Divorce’ his wife.
Cointhains and Mark are in the Xtian bible; Prager is Jewish.
Prager may be Jewish, but his audience is mostly Christians. That's who buys his books, and that's who buys his (hateful and misogynistic) arguments.
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