Friday, March 03, 2017

This is the Future Liberals Want

My cat climbs into my lap and butts her head against my shoulder (her signal that I should carry her to her food dish and give her food).

I ignore her, since I'm in the middle of working.

She butts a little harder, and then claws me gently on the ear.

Me: Hey! Not acceptable!

Cat: (Claws a little harder.)

Me: (Capturing cat and looking at her eye to eye): That is not appropriate behavior. Do I claw you when I want something?

Cat: (Sullenly) Mwar.

Me: No, I don't. So you don't claw me.

Apparently I am trying to teach a cat ethics.   #LiberalBehaviorGoesTooFar

(The meme referenced in the title, in case you have been on Mars and missed it: This is the Future Liberals Want.)

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