Tuesday, July 30, 2024

From BlueSky

...which as far as I can tell won't let you capture posts to post. I did a screenshot, but the quality, ugh.

In case you can't read it: Celeste Ng notes that "Thinking of 'conservative' as 'difference is bad' and 'liberal' as 'difference is normal and maybe even good' explains so much. The right HATES being called weird because they see difference as bad."


nicoleandmaggie said...

Wordpress lets me paste in the link and it shows it just like it did back in the day with twitter. All of our links that look like twitter are actually Bluesky these days. Maybe Blogger doesn't have that functionality yet?

delagar said...

Hm, I didn't try just copying the link. Lemme give it a shot!

delagar said...

Nope, looks like Blogger won't do that yet.