Thursday, July 18, 2024

Apparently, Conservatives Were Always Against the Iraq War

I was called a terrorist and treasonous to my face because I didn't think we should attack some country that had nothing to do with 9/11 just so Bush could be doing something. I remember "conservatives" screaming at those on the Left. I remember Freedom Fries. I remember the Dixie Chicks being cancelled because they spoke out against the war.

I remember this:

Child covered in her parents' blood

And now this: apparently conservatives never supported the war on Iraq. It was all Biden's fault!

We've never been at war with Eastasia.

Oh, and apparently they've all taken to wearing big white bandages on their ears, just like the one their idol Trump wore. It reminds me of the convention where conservatives wore Purple Heart band-aids to make fun of the Purple Hearts John Kerry got for being wounded in Vietnam. 

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