Thursday, September 21, 2023


Honestly what would make recovering from COVID a better experience is a couch in my office so I could nap between classes.

That's if I can't have two months in a sanatorium in the Alps, which would be my first choice.


  1. One of my higher paid colleagues says that he gets most of his research ideas while hiking the alps.

  2. I think the worst thing the government messaging on the pandemic did was convince people it's even possible to avoid getting sick, while simultaneously making covid into a personal responsibility bogeyman (you did wrong when you get it, but also dealing with it is all on you).

    I wish everyone who thinks they've never had it because they were So Careful could get a nuclear antigen test to demonstrate to them that actually yes, you get a covid and you get a covid and you get a covid, everyone gets a covid.

    Back in grad school when I was young and hearty I once got influenza and was laid out for a month. Our world is really not set up for recovering from illness! There's something to be said for taking to one's bed like a Victorian invalid.

  3. That's been the worst part for me, I think. Getting COVID was unpleasant, God knows, and my chair (who got it at the same time) was sympathetic; but there is absolutely nothing in place to allow people a long-term recovery. I'm seeing online that recovering from a serious case of COVID (mine was semi-serious) takes weeks; but I can't lose weeks out of the middle of a semester. Missing ten days has left me floundering.

    1. Jenny F Scientist11:47 AM

      When I got it in 2020 it took a full 2-3 months to recover. I have almost certainly had covid again since then (3 kids in school + Professor spouse + i was professoring until last year) but I wasn't really sick except once from confirmed influenza.

  4. And yes, lots of people at school who almost certainly have been part of this round of COVID are insisting they have the flu or a "cold."

  5. I'm mostly recovered, in that I don't have a fever or a cough, but I am so exhausted, all the time, and any time I, say, have to climb stairs, I end up gasping for breath. It's going to be a couple of months for me, at least, I think.

    1. Jenny F Scientist4:01 PM

      It is AMAZING to me how little lung goo causes one to feel miserable. Inhalers really helped for me.

  6. Like prescription inhalers or over the counter stuff?

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Definitely prescription inhalers.
