Sunday, June 18, 2023

Hanging out with the Kid

We drove up the mountain yesterday to hang out with the kid and his fiancé. Aside from the fact that it was murderously hot, we had a great time, though we did not find the envelopes the kid wants (a special size so he can mail commissions to people). I did find a new book at the bookstore, which is excellent, since I am once again running out of books. Whyyyy can't the authors I like write more quickly?

On the way back, we detoured to avoid bridge construction* and ended up getting lost in Van Buren, Arkansas, which I didn't think was a possible thing to do. The town is about two miles long and a mile wide. But we managed. Partly this was because I missed a turn and partly because the signage for streets in the town is, what shall we call it, whimsical? Like a street will be called something in one direction and then when you turn around and drive back, it's got a different name going in that direction. Plus streets just switch to a different name, apparently midblock? Ugh. This is common for Arkansas towns, however. Once before GPS was invented we were lost in Little Rock for hours. 

The weather channel just alerted me with a SPECIAL WEATHER NOTICE, which is that it's going to be hot next week. No! Really?

Last night we had a violently windy storm, which broke about six hundred branches and clumps of leaves off the trees in my acre of land. I've been picking them up all day.

Thirteen more weeks of summer.

*There are only two real bridges out of Fort Smith going north across the Arkansas River, unless you want to cross over into Oklahoma and drive thirty miles out of your way. The main bridge, the one almost everyone uses all the times, is being repaired, which means it's one lane either way, and often the traffic backs up for miles. This will continue until mid-July, if the repair doesn't suffer any delays. Everyone in Fort Smith is very snippy around it too.

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