Thursday, December 15, 2022


You're getting links because I'm grading final exams and working on two book reviews whose deadlines are fast approaching. I should clearly be spending less time on the internet, but.

Gifts for the MAGA in your life. These are all apparently real, and I'm not sure whether that's hilarious or just really sad.

Fox News attacks a Minnesota teacher. How dare she say that students are indoctrinated? That's their job!

I love this poem.

This is long, but makes a good point about moral panics.

Cars used to be the leading killer of children. Now it's guns. That's because we made laws about cars (seatbelt laws, car seat laws, rules about how they were built, rules about driving drunk or speeding in school zones, licensing laws) whereas all we do with guns is sell more of them.

Mike Pence wants to make it legal to kill police officers entering your house illegally. I mean, that at least fits the parameters of the Second Amendment, I guess.
