Sunday, October 30, 2022

Right Wing Lies Are Dangerous

Remember back when the FBI noted that White Nationalists and Christian Extremist groups were the biggest threat in America, and the crybabies on the Right threw a tantrum?

Remember when Clinton pointed out that a certain percentage of the Right was deplorable, and the crybaby Right threw a tantrum?

Remember when the Right attacked our capital in an attempted coup, and the Right began screeching that it was all lies? That those were just tourists, visiting a public building?

Remember how the Right continues to repeat the lies that Liberal politicians and "elites" are pedophiles, are trafficking children, are mutilating children to further the trans agenda, are selling the organs of aborted fetus, are keeping millions of children prisoner in tunnels under Nevada (or wherever), are coming for your guns, are setting up re-education camps, are controlled by the Jews, who want to replace white men....I could go on for pages.

Remember how people who probably don't even believe this bullshit repeat it in person and online. Some of them probably think it's funny. Others just want to be cruel (and probably think cruelty is funny).

But people hear them, and people act.

Not our fault, say the MAGA assholes. Or else begin spinning further conspiracy theories.

This is what my last post was about. How does our country survive these new "conservatives"? 

Deplorable was just too mild a word.

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