Saturday, January 15, 2022

Snow and the Fox

It's snowing heavily here -- a "thick band of snow is funneling through the River Valley," to quote the weather guy. About two inches so far.

I was just out with the dog and the fox went trotting across the yard, paused to stand looking at me intently, and then trotted on again. Snow was caught in her thick winter coat. Very beautiful.

Meanwhile, our university has "pivoted" to remote for the next ten days. I hate remote delivery with a passion, but given how many of our students got/were exposed to Covid in the first few days of class, I can see why we're doing it.

I don't have Covid, but I do have something -- I think maybe a food allergy? Food intolerance? Lots of vomiting and gut pain, and a total lack of appetite. Anyway, I'm glad for the chance to work from home for a while.

Here's hoping it is only 10 days.

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