Saturday, January 02, 2010


The weather guy once again predicts snow for our little river valley.  Hah, I no longer believe his coy promises.  It will be more drizzle and sleet.

Meanwhile, Herr Dr. Delagar made the best Sole Meuniere I have ever eaten for dinner last night, even if he did have to use cod rather than sole, sole not being available in Pork Smith.

(What is available in Pork Smith? So glad you asked.  We went out yesterday afternoon to use the kid's book card, at BooksAMillion, that being nearly the only bookstore in town, but of course it did not have the book she wanted.  Six rows of Bibles of various sorts, yes, four shelves of Science Fascism, mais oui, but a copy of Cressida Cowell's new book, no.  Though I was interested to discover two shelves of shrink-wrapped Yaoi among the manga.  Hmm!)

We all have mild colds, relics of our travels.  I plan to spend the day working on my SF stories and drinking coffee.  The kid is playing with her paper kitties (she has drawn dozens of small paper cats, like paper dolls, only cats, which she keeps in an empty Russell Stover box, and constructs elaborate narratives around.  Lately I find 3 or 4 of these kitties in the hallway, outside her room.  "There are kitties in the hallway," I comment.  "Those are the bad kitties," she tells me sternly.) as well as keeping up with her RPGs and online chatgroups and RW friends.  She has a very busy life for an eleven year old, and is deeply distressed that school takes up again on Monday.

"Maybe I'll be too sick to go," she said hopefully, as I gave her her cold medicine this morning.

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